Moscow: There Are No Objective Answers from Berlin

The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that Moscow has not yet received any objective answers from Berlin regarding the letters sent by the Russian prosecutor's office to the German authorities concerning the Navalny case.

TASS reported on a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, which outlined the sequence of Russian-German communications regarding the Navalny case, indicating that the first request for legal assistance was sent by the Russian prosecutor's office to the German side on August 27. TASS noted that since last August, Moscow has requested the German side to hand over the results of tests conducted on Navalny at the Charité Hospital in Berlin, where he received treatment after a severe health crisis he experienced on an internal flight in Russia on August 20.

The agency pointed out that German authorities announced that Navalny was poisoned with a "Novichok" substance in Russia, despite the confirmation from the Russian hospital where he was treated before being transferred to Germany at his family's request that he had not been poisoned and that his tests were normal.

Russia has repeatedly denied at various levels the hypothesis propagated by Western media and some circles within Russia that the Russian intelligence was behind the attempted assassination of Navalny, considering him a leader of the non-parliamentary Russian opposition.

It is worth noting that the Russian Foreign Ministry mentioned that Miguel Berger, the German Deputy Foreign Minister, confirmed twice to the Russian ambassador in Berlin the intention of his country's authorities to respond to the Russian request.

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