
The Best Supplements for Treating Arthritis and Key Recommendations from a Physical Therapy Specialist

The Best Supplements for Treating Arthritis and Key Recommendations from a Physical Therapy Specialist

Physical therapy specialist Sami Margo, who has over 30 years of experience in treating patients with chronic joint diseases, stated that early intervention is the key to treating this exhausting condition. He noted that individuals who begin to feel stiffness and joint spasms should consider taking supplements that alleviate arthritis symptoms.

Margo said, "Joint stiffness or chronic pain in the knees or lower back can be a warning sign of the onset of something more serious, namely arthritis, which can affect anyone at any age. By adding a supplement to your daily routine, along with maintaining a balanced and varied diet, you can achieve optimal health for your joints and body as a whole."

**Best Supplement for Arthritis Patients**

The charity organization for arthritis patients indicated that rosehip seed oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory supplement, which can significantly alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and chronic arthritis. This is because it contains polyphenols and anthocyanins, which are believed to reduce arthritis inflammation and prevent joint damage, especially with advancing age. Additionally, plant extracts rich in Vitamin C are also considered other antioxidants that fight inflammation.

Antioxidants can combat harmful molecules known as free radicals, which cause tissue damage and various diseases, including cancer. It is worth noting that the side effects of using rosehip seed oil supplements may include allergic reactions, constipation, diarrhea, or stomach burning. According to experts, one trial involved 89 participants with rheumatoid arthritis who were randomly given 5 grams of rosehip seed oil extract or a placebo daily for six months. Participants who received the supplement reported greater improvements in quality of life and physical function compared to those who took the placebo.

**Another Beneficial Supplement for Arthritis**

Another useful supplement for treating this condition is ginger, as it reduces pain associated with arthritis. Laboratory and animal studies have documented that ginger extract can decrease the production of chemicals that promote joint inflammation. Ginger contains salicylates, which the body converts into salicylic acid, known for its strong ability to inhibit nerves from producing the enzyme prostaglandin, thereby relieving pain and discomfort associated with chronic arthritis.

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