
Three Simple Strategies to Alleviate Stress

Three Simple Strategies to Alleviate Stress

Family pressures, work pressures, and the stresses of daily life are considered major causes of self-induced stress. It has become nearly impossible to avoid stress, so instead of waiting for the next bout of stress to subside, take a different approach and train yourself to remain composed and calm, regardless of what happens around you.

- **Managing stress helps you stay healthier**: It is important to manage stress because it not only affects your emotional state but also harms your health. When you are under pressure, cortisol levels in the blood start to rise. Over time, chronic stress that results in higher than normal cortisol levels can wreak havoc on your metabolism, leading to weight gain, especially around the waist, and causing serious inflammation within the body that can affect blood sugar levels, blood pressure, heart health, and even memory.

- **Three simple strategies to combat stress**: To reduce the effects of stress, try these three simple strategies:

1. **Adopt a new life approach**: Much of the stress in life comes from how we perceive the various situations we face daily. For example, two people may perform the exact same task, but one may find it stressful, which is related to individual personality but also to how you feel inside and how you organize things in your mind. Therefore, aim to change your perspective, as you can often reduce the number of stressors you encounter in your life.

2. **Unload your stress through other activities**: Physical activity can reduce cortisol levels and help you feel more grounded and calm. However, for many people, committing to a daily exercise routine itself can be stressful, especially if they choose activities they do not enjoy. Instead, opt to do something you love, like gardening, hiking in nature, or yoga, which can slow the harmful effects of stress. Additionally, looking forward to the activity can instill the sense of personal motivation you need, helping you relieve stress, recharge your energy, and eliminate negative energy.

3. **Be organized**: Have you spent 20 minutes searching for your car keys or trying to find misplaced shoes? Disorganization and clutter can lead to stress, which is unnecessary in your already pressured daily life. Taking some time to set up systems, like designating a specific spot for your keys, can help reduce these daily annoyances. Also, plan ahead when it comes to other strategies that can help you manage your stress, such as setting aside time for exercise, eating healthy meals, and following a regular schedule to ensure you get enough sleep. If you know you will face a stressful period, such as an anniversary of a family member's death or an upcoming surgery, or financial challenge, think ahead about how you will manage it, as having a plan can help reduce your stress levels and prevent it from affecting your health.

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