
Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

Elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels are major indicators of chronic diseases, with diabetes caused by high blood sugar affecting more than 34.2 million Americans, while 102 million people suffer from high cholesterol levels, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These conditions increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and strokes.

However, the good news is that there are simple lifestyle changes you can make that may help reduce high blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes, and lower total cholesterol levels naturally, without the risks associated with potential side effects from prescribed medications. Dr. Joel Fuhrman states: "The most powerful intervention anyone can do to lower both blood sugar and cholesterol levels is to eat more vegetables and beans while reducing animal products, flour, and oil in their diet." Dr. Ellen Kamhi, a natural health expert for over four decades, adds: "It is always better to choose natural ways to lower your sugar and cholesterol levels rather than resorting to medications that may have adverse side effects on your health."

Here are eight natural methods to safely achieve healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels:

1. **Eat a large green salad daily.** Dr. Fuhrman advises: "Do not add any type of oil for flavoring the salad. Instead, choose to add nuts or seed dressings like almonds mixed with tomatoes and balsamic vinegar."

2. **Make dinner the lightest meal of the day.** Dr. Fuhrman states: "This is the second most important intervention to prevent and even reverse diabetes and coronary heart disease caused by high cholesterol levels."

3. **Spice your meals with cinnamon.** Dr. Kamhi mentions that cinnamon has been used since ancient times for its flavor, aroma, and medicinal benefits in many food recipes and popular natural remedies. A study published in the American Diabetes Association journal supports that using cinnamon can significantly help balance blood sugar levels.

4. **Exercise regularly.** Regular physical activity is an important and excellent way to regulate harmful cholesterol levels and has also been linked to lower total cholesterol levels. Dr. Kamhi advises readers: "Any form of regular exercise is acceptable as long as you practice for 30-45 minutes, six days a week."

5. **Add red yeast rice and aged garlic extract to your diet.** Dr. Matthew Budoff, a professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles and head of preventive cardiology, states that these two natural substances can significantly help lower blood cholesterol levels. According to recent studies, garlic also has great potential to manage blood sugar levels and can reduce fasting blood sugar levels.

6. **Manage stress.** Continuous stress and anxiety can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Experts note that individuals under significant stress often neglect diabetes care, worsening the situation over time. There is also substantial evidence that stress levels can lead to increased harmful cholesterol levels.

7. **Incorporate apple cider vinegar into your meals.** Apple cider vinegar is known to promote weight loss, reduce harmful cholesterol levels, and help lower blood sugar levels, according to several studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health.

8. **Eat oatmeal for breakfast.** Renowned expert Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum states that having a breakfast based on oatmeal, whether made from cooked oats, oat flakes, or oat bars, can help maintain cholesterol levels within a healthy range.

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