
Three Mental Health Conditions Contributing to Violent Crimes

Three Mental Health Conditions Contributing to Violent Crimes

Researchers at Western Carolina University found that a disproportionately high number of prisoners who committed violent crimes suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, and alcohol use disorder. They published their findings in the American Journal of Criminal Psychology.

Alexa Barrett, a master's student in clinical psychology at Western Carolina University, and Al Kopak, an associate professor of criminology and criminal justice, discovered that the combination of PTSD, panic disorder, and alcohol use disorder significantly increased the likelihood of committing violent crimes while conducting research at three detention centers in the Carolinas. Supported by summer research assistance from the Graduate School, the purpose of this study was to detail the prevalence of PTSD combined with panic disorder and alcohol use disorder to help develop practices aimed at addressing violence in male detainees from small local jails. Barrett stated, "Identifying how these conditions interact to exacerbate the tendency toward violent behavior can help in the development of appropriate prevention and intervention programs in local detention centers as detainees prepare to return to society."

The sample from male detainees indicated that less than half exhibited symptoms consistent with PTSD, with a quarter having experienced panic attacks in the past 12 months. Additionally, over a third of the sample met the criteria for moderate or severe alcohol use disorder, with these conditions often observed in conjunction. Kopak noted, "Another important finding relates to the relatively high proportion of detainees who experienced panic attacks and the relationship between this condition and the violent charges against them." Researchers noted that one underlying explanation for this relationship is the potential involvement of male detainees with panic attacks in violent and aggressive behavior as a reaction to stressful life events.

Barrett stated, "Experience-based screening and assessment procedures can be implemented with minimal investment and can also generate actionable information. Positive indicators can lead to full assessments and use these results to choose appropriate community interventions after their release." It is noteworthy that this study provides insight for future researchers regarding these issues. Kopak mentioned, “For example, prison staff might be interested in developing a rapid screening process to identify and assess detainees held on violent charges concerning PTSD, panic disorder, and alcohol use disorder automatically.”

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