The Strangest 7 Religions and Beliefs Worldwide

The definition of religion can be summarized as the worship of a great supernatural force that controls our lives, such as gods, for example.

Although some practices may not align with our personal views on the definition or essence of religion or spiritual belief, they can sometimes succeed in uniting a group of people who believe in something common, turning it into a sect or religious belief. Away from known celestial religions and Buddhism, there are some beliefs and religions that are considered extremely strange, including:

1. **Satanism**: Satanists see themselves as spiritual beings, regarding Satan as a true god and a symbol of crisis in faith, individuality, and free will. It is worth noting that some sects following this belief have gained a bad reputation throughout history, such as the "Satan's Monsters" sect, which committed horrific murders in Italy between 1998 and 2004. Additionally, the "Nine Angels" group relied on human sacrifices for their satanic rituals in the 1960s. These sects became more widespread with the official establishment of the Church of Satan in 1966.

2. **Rastafarianism**: Rastafarians see themselves as voices against all forms of oppressive colonialism. The goals of this religious sect revolve around restoring pride in African identity that has suffered due to colonial powers in the African continent. Notably, adherents of this religion believe that the land of Palestine, "Zion" according to their beliefs, is the original homeland of humanity, and they reject the civilization of "Babylon" and material matters. Principles of the Rastafarian lifestyle include the use of marijuana in rituals, avoidance of alcohol, and styling hair in dreadlocks.

3. **Maradonism**: This sect considers the football legend Maradona to be a god and worships him. His fans declared this religion in 1998, and they have over a million followers in more than sixty countries worldwide. Supporters of the Maradonian religion count the years since the birth of the football legend Maradona in 1960.

4. **Scientology**: The Church of Scientology believes in answering religious questions through science. It was founded in 1954 by Ron Hubbard and is seen as the first human effort to explain religion through science. Followers of this sect claim that their religion attempts to restore the balance between knowledge of the self and knowledge of physical sciences that have been disrupted by advancements in science during the 20th century.

5. **Jediism**: Surprisingly, this religion is inspired by the famous Star Wars film series by George Lucas. This sect was founded by Daniel Jones and his brother Barney in 2008. Members of this religion believe that the "Force of the Jedi" is real and that morality is an innate quality of humans. The religion requires its followers to be cautious of the dark side of this force, which leads to fear and subsequently to hatred and suffering.

6. **Aetherius**: Followers of Aetherianism believe in extraterrestrial intelligence existing outside our planet. The founder of this religion, George King, claimed to have previously contacted a highly intelligent extraterrestrial civilization known as Aetherius. Additionally, this religious sect states that it is dedicated to spreading the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, and its followers claim that spiritual energy, like electricity and spiritual healing energy, can be stored within the body.

7. **Vampirism**: Adherents of this religion believe in a self-existent deity, while the term vampire has largely been derived from the portrayal of vampires in popular culture, especially Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula," published in 1897. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that followers of this sect describe themselves as real vampires, feeding on the blood of humans and animals; some call themselves spiritual vampires, who feed on the energy of others. It should also be mentioned that members of this sect engage significantly in various sexual behaviors and representations.

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