Arab World

Meeting Recent Developments: Patriarch Raï Meets a Delegation from the Future Movement

Meeting Recent Developments: Patriarch Raï Meets a Delegation from the Future Movement

Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Raï met with a delegation from the "Future" Movement headed by MP Bahia Hariri at Bkerke.

After the meeting, MP Samir al-Jisr stated, "On behalf of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, we met with His Eminence today, and we initially emphasized our support for His Eminence's initiatives and diligent efforts to find a solution to exit the political crisis and form a government." Al-Jisr added that the delegation informed His Eminence about the efforts being made by Prime Minister Hariri to expedite the formation of the government and the results of the external communications being conducted by Hariri to create a conducive environment for supporting Lebanon’s recovery following the formation of the government.

The delegation conveyed to Patriarch Raï Prime Minister Hariri’s determination to form a government of specialists who are non-partisan and recognized for their competence and success in their professional lives, while adhering to the implementation of the Constitution and the Taif Agreement in both text and spirit, particularly regarding the preservation of the rights of Lebanese Christians and Muslims equally. Al-Jisr stated, "We reiterated our support for the full Baabda Declaration, which specifically calls for keeping Lebanon neutral from regional and international conflicts and avoiding the negative repercussions of regional tensions and crises, in order to protect its supreme interest, national unity, and civil peace, except in matters relating to the obligation to adhere to international legitimacy resolutions, the Arab consensus, and the legitimate Palestinian cause, including the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their land and homes and not to be resettled."

The delegation also informed His Eminence about the results of Prime Minister Hariri's foreign tour to several brotherly and friendly countries and the enthusiasm he encountered for assisting Lebanon as soon as a government of non-partisan specialists is formed. In response to a question, Al-Jisr said, "Prime Minister Saad Hariri is touring countries during the waiting period to explain Lebanon's situation and pave the way for the aid process, and his visits have been very beneficial, whether in Arab or Western countries." He added, "Regarding the formation of the government, we do not lose hope, and it is necessary for this issue to be resolved."

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