Arab World

Hezbollah Secretary-General Rejects Internationalization and Considers it a Call for the Occupation of Lebanon

Hezbollah Secretary-General Rejects Internationalization and Considers it a Call for the Occupation of Lebanon

Hezbollah's Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, has rejected the idea of threatening to resort to the United Nations for a Chapter VII resolution, describing it as a call for foreign forces to occupy Lebanon.

Currently, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is delivering a speech on the Al-Manar channel commemorating the martyrs Sheikh Raghib Harb, Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi, and Hajj Imad Mughniyeh. He announced that the party's slogan for this year is the core principle of resistance and the people.

Nasrallah emphasized his opposition to the threat of resorting to the United Nations for a Chapter VII resolution, stating that it is a call for foreign occupation of Lebanon, which he finds reprehensible regardless of who issued the threat. He clarified that internationalization harms Lebanon, complicates its issues, and contradicts its sovereignty, indicating that it could serve as a cover for a new occupation. He questioned what guarantees would be offered to Lebanon in light of the great powers' guarantees to Israel, warning that internationalization could impose choices regarding the settlement of displaced Syrians and the demarcation of maritime borders, leading to the loss of land in favor of the enemy.

Nasrallah stated that the proposal for internationalization is aimed at seeking support, reiterating his rejection of any form of internationalization as a danger to Lebanon and its interests, while noting that this does not mean avoiding seeking assistance from allies.

He began his speech by highlighting the shared qualities of these leaders, who devoted themselves to the resistance and became martyrs in the prime of their youth, while reflecting on the difficult circumstances each faced, which differ from the current strength of the resistance. He referred to the legacies of these martyr-leaders, including Sheikh Raghib Harb’s assertion that position is a weapon and a handshake, stressing the necessity of such positions to reject normalization. He also recalled the motto of martyr Mughniyeh to continue and develop the resistance, emphasizing that efforts to continue and develop the resistance are ongoing and continuous.

Regarding the legacy of martyr Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi, he highlighted the importance of preserving the resistance and serving the people, underscoring Hezbollah's commitment to serving the public as one of the greatest forms of worship, particularly in defending their dignity and the sovereignty of the homeland in which they live. Nasrallah affirmed that when our country is threatened by Zionist, terrorist, or takfiri dangers, we will not hesitate to defend the honorable people.

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