
Dancer Dina's First Appearance After Recovering from COVID-19: "I Missed Walking in the Street"

Dancer Dina's First Appearance After Recovering from COVID-19:

Dancer Dina spoke about the days she experienced during her COVID-19 infection, emphasizing that they were some of the hardest days of her life.

In a video on her personal Instagram page from inside her home, Dina shared details about her life during the past period, stating, "In reality, I missed everything. I missed walking in the street, I missed the supermarket, and everything else really. I’m not in the habit of going live often, but I found people talking about whether I went to the hospital or what I did." Dina, who recovered from COVID-19, added, "So, I thought I should go live for those who care to know my news, to reassure them that I am recovering after discovering that my test result was negative. Of course, this is a blessing from God that I am up and healthy. Pray for me to recover in better health because fighting this virus is not easy; it’s a very difficult and nasty virus. I wish you all the best and hope no one gets COVID-19, so take good care of yourselves."

She also noted that she was very cautious and expressed her infection as a blessing, saying, "I am content with it, and just as we are content with good things, we must also accept what’s not good." She continued, "I learned from this experience that there are many things we take for granted, but they are a great blessing. Just going out and walking in the street is a blessing we don’t appreciate."

Dina mentioned that when she saw her mother after the test result was negative yesterday, she felt it was a huge reward, not just something ordinary. "Thank you for all the support I received; if it weren't for my friends and family, I wouldn’t have gotten the strong boost to reach where I am now because their words lifted me from what I was in. The first person I thank is my mom, who wouldn’t leave me or the house and stayed with me the whole time. I was the one scared for her, and she wasn’t afraid."

It is noteworthy that dancer Dina had thanked all her friends, indicating that she chose her friends wisely, which was evident during the ordeal of being infected with the virus, and she specifically expressed gratitude to the esteemed artist Nabila Obeid for her significant support.

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