Arab World

Remembrance of Sheikh Zayed's Death and Zayed Day for Humanitarian Work Trends on Twitter

Remembrance of Sheikh Zayed's Death and Zayed Day for Humanitarian Work Trends on Twitter

Today marks the seventeenth anniversary of the death of the founding leader, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, who passed away on the 19th of Ramadan in 1425 AH. Citizens and residents across the United Arab Emirates commemorate this anniversary each year as a sign of their love and gratitude for the founder of the nation and its glory. The date of Sheikh Zayed's passing has become unforgettable, as the UAE lost its leader and the architect of its union after nearly four decades of giving. This day has also been designated as UAE Humanitarian Action Day in memory of Sheikh Zayed.

In this context, the hashtag #ذكرى_وفاة_الشيخ_زايد trended, alongside #يوم_زايد_للعمل_الإنسانية on the social media platform Twitter, where followers, both citizens and residents, revived the memory of Sheikh Zayed's passing, expressing their profound love and gratitude for the founder of the UAE, who was a father to them before being a leader. One user tweeted: "Oh God, Zayed was the best father and the best ruler; grant him the highest paradise as he honored us on Earth." Another stated: "You left this world, but you did not and will not leave our supplications and hearts; may God have mercy on the one who was a father to his people before being a leader."

Users reaffirmed that Sheikh Zayed remains present among them despite his passing 17 years ago, and that the lessons he imparted through giving and humanity will continue to be a living memory for future generations. One user remarked: "On this day, the 19th of Ramadan, we lost the founder of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul; it has been 17 years since his absence, but it feels like yesterday, and his fragrant memory still fills places and dates; generations will continue to draw from Zayed's legacy." Another said: "Your memory is a heart that lives within; you still inspire us... Oh Zayed of goodness, you are a spirit that lives within us as long as we have people who appreciate the blessings."

Users expressed the renewed sorrow they feel each year on the anniversary of Sheikh Zayed's death, with one stating: "My words fade in remembrance of your passing, and all I have is the pain of loss, which renews each year." Many described Sheikh Zayed as a "gift from God" to humanity and the people of the UAE, with one remarking: "The world discovers today what you did in hiding, reaching the most impoverished places to educate, heal, and grant them life; despite your 17 years of absence, people remember you every day and every moment, and they will for hundreds of years, for great figures are never forgotten; may God make him smile in Your paradise." Another added: "A gift from God to humanity and the people of the UAE, he led his people to a prosperous future and brought them to the top ranks in various fields, turning the UAE into a global model for humanitarian giving and a renaissance of civilization."

Many expressed admiration for Sheikh Zayed's character, emphasizing that he was a distinguished leader that history will not replicate, with one stating: "God created a million leaders but did not create a leader like Zayed." Another said: "On this day, a man who will not be repeated by history departed; he left as a father to his people; may God have mercy on you." All tweets carried heartfelt supplications for Sheikh Zayed, expressing love and gratitude, including: "Oh God, forgive him and have mercy on him, and have mercy on our deceased and all Muslims; honor him in the highest paradise as he honored us on Earth," and "Oh God, Zayed bin Sultan honored us on Earth; honor him in Your paradise, for You are the most generous of the generous."

Moreover, followers emphasized the importance of passing down the virtues of Sheikh Zayed through generations to inspire them in their lives and continue his legacy. One stated: "We will continue to tell our children about Zayed's virtues so they can draw from his thought and emulate his actions, even if they did not live in his era." Another said: "May God have mercy on Sheikh Zayed; he left, but his humanitarian works testify to his humanity, wisdom, and purity of heart; they remain as free lessons that we will pass on to future generations to follow his path."

Hundreds of users shared photos of the late leader at various stages of his life, as well as a video documenting the moment the news of his death was announced, commenting: "The news that the UAE will never forget... the departure of the founding leader." Additionally, some confirmed their commitment to continuing the path laid out by Sheikh Zayed, with one remarking: "We will continue to follow Zayed's path and achieve more accomplishments with the support and guidance of our wise leadership, which always cares for the welfare of the nation and its citizens; and the home of Zayed will remain as he envisioned."

In a related context, the hashtag "يوم زايد للعمل الانساني" trended on Twitter, coinciding with the anniversary of Zayed's passing. Followers emphasized that the UAE’s celebration of this day reaffirms its commitment to Sheikh Zayed's legacy of giving and helping those in need, stating that this day carries the values instilled in the citizens of the UAE by Sheikh Zayed. Users noted that "Zayed Day for Humanitarian Work" embodies Zayed's approach to the world and marks a significant milestone in the UAE's journey of giving. One user commented: "#يوم_زايد_للعمل_الإنساني is a day of loyalty and allegiance to the principles laid down and initiated by the late Sheikh Zayed; it represents an important station for enshrining humanitarian work and continuing the path of goodness and giving, which has always been and remains the cornerstone of the UAE and its people's relations with all peoples of the world." Another added: "Zayed Day for Humanitarian Work is a moment of reflection in the history of charitable work and humanitarian giving, embodying a pure humanitarian epic that showcases Zayed's generosity and contributions to mankind, with marks that time cannot erase and golden letters for the benefit of all humanity."

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