
Arrest of the Drifter Who Caused the Injury of a Teacher and the Death of Her Daughters

Arrest of the Drifter Who Caused the Injury of a Teacher and the Death of Her Daughters

Amid the painful memories of the two little girls, "Jana" and "Lain", who left life but left behind their marks, memories, and childhood emotions with their grandfather, who is filled with love and longing for them, came the moans of grandfather "Mohammad Al-Nufal" lamenting the loss of two girls who were a bright flower in their family's home. However, fate intervened to take their pure souls to heaven due to a horrific accident caused by a drifter no older than 14 years.

The tragic accident resulted in the teacher Nisreen Al-Nufal being run over along with her daughters on one of the streets in eastern Riyadh while the drifter was practicing dangerous driving, leading to the death of the two girls and the transfer of the teacher to intensive care in critical condition.

Grandfather "Mohammad Al-Nufal," who recounted the painful story to "Al-Arabiya.net," expressed his sorrow and confirmed the arrest of the drifter and his placement in a social care facility, stating that this measure affirms the rule of justice in Saudi Arabia. He described the current condition of the children's mother, who, despite sustaining serious injuries, including damage to an artery, severe bleeding, and multiple fractures, spent about 9 days in intensive care and is gradually recovering, adding, "Faith in destiny is very important in these cases."

The grandfather described the accident as a written fate. Initially, the entire family experienced panic, fear, and sleeplessness due to this incident. Al-Nufal stated that what happened is a tragic disaster for the entire family, but everyone is holding on to patience and faith in God's will and destiny. The family harbors immense feelings towards the two girls that cannot be erased by years of pain due to their significant status and great impact on each family member's heart.

Al-Nufal expressed gratitude to all security authorities who responded to this event and contributed to achieving justice, especially the Attorney General Sheikh Saud Al-Mu'ajab and all related agencies, particularly the Public Prosecution for their strong and effective role in this case. He concluded his statement by emphasizing that this issue is not just about the parties involved in the accident but concerns society as a whole, marking the beginning of stopping the phenomenon of reckless driving that has terrified the community for years, highlighting its impact on all victims of negligence and carelessness, as well as families allowing minors to drive cars, leading to such horrific incidents.

The hashtag #Nisreen_Al-Nufal trended in Saudi Arabia over the past few days, with thousands of citizens, including students, participating in prayers for her recovery as she remains in intensive care at the National Guard Hospital, while also expressing their condolences after the loss of her daughters in the tragic accident caused by the recklessness of one of the vehicle drivers. Following the incident, Quran teacher Nisreen Al-Nufal entered intensive care in critical condition from her injuries while tragically losing her daughters "Jana" and "Lain" - may they rest in peace.

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