Arab World

"Zayed 3": Military Exercise for UAE and Egyptian Air Forces

Units from the Egyptian Air Force have arrived in the UAE to participate in the "Zayed 3" exercise with the UAE Air Force and Air Defense, which is held between the UAE Ministry of Defense and the Egyptian Armed Forces and lasts for 10 days. According to the UAE News Agency (WAM), this exercise is part of a series of Zayed exercises conducted by the UAE Armed Forces with Egypt, aimed at increasing coordination and cooperation between the two countries.

The exercise aims to enhance military cooperation relations between the UAE and Egypt by executing joint exercises and exchanging experiences in the fields of "planning, management, and command and control," and planning, executing, and managing operations for the participating air forces from both countries. Additionally, there will be a knowledge and experience exchange among the participants to unify concepts and achieve coherence and alignment.

The exercise will be conducted in three phases, including planning and executing numerous training flights and both defensive and offensive air operations. This exercise highlights air capabilities and operational integration and is a continuation of joint cooperation between the two forces to maintain security and stability in the region.

The activities of the exercise will include numerous joint training sessions and tactical air maneuvers, according to the pre-prepared plans to enhance operational readiness. The UAE and Egypt have established strong relations in all fields, including military cooperation, which has been strengthened through exercises and training between the two nations on land, at sea, and in the air.

The relationship between the two countries is based on a shared awareness and understanding of the nature of the regional and international changes occurring in the area, and the importance of addressing these changes with consistent and integrated policies and positions that reinforce Arab and regional security. In light of the crises in the region, the two countries have begun to establish ongoing partnerships in military cooperation, involving both armies in joint military training operations and enhancing the capabilities of the armed forces to address various challenges.

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