
Victim of Snake Bite in Abha Misidentified as Mouse: Mother Reveals New Details

Victim of Snake Bite in Abha Misidentified as Mouse: Mother Reveals New Details

With great sadness and widespread reactions on social media, the family of the Saudi girl Tamara Abdulrahman buried her small body yesterday, Thursday, after a snake bite led to her death. The mother of the six-year-old victim shared some details about the incident, indicating that her daughter passed away after being bitten by a venomous snake. She added that Tamara entered the bathroom in their home in Abha, and after a few seconds, she screamed loudly, prompting her mother to rush in, where Tamara informed her that a mouse had bitten her and then fled.

The mother searched the bathroom but found nothing. She then checked the area of pain and discovered a scratch and bite marks near the scratch. Suddenly, Tamara's condition deteriorated. The mother continued, saying she immediately took her daughter to Abha General Hospital, where medical reports confirmed it was a snake bite.

She noted that the child remained in stable condition until the early hours of Wednesday, but her health suddenly declined, leading to cardiac arrest, and she passed away on Thursday. The mother clarified that her daughter did not suffer from any symptoms or complications from the moment she left home until she reached the hospital, and all her vital signs were normal.

Additionally, it was emphasized that the hospital did everything possible for cardiac resuscitation and the medical team took samples for the necessary tests to identify the cause and type of venom in the toxicology lab, which revealed that it was cobra venom.

In a statement to "Al Arabiya," Mohamed Zahir, a relative of Tamara, mentioned that the grieving family received condolences from Prince Turki bin Talal, the Emir of Asir Province, who visited their home to offer his sympathy. It is worth noting that Prince Turki bin Talal had paid his respects to the bereaved family, while social media users expressed their condolences and reacted to the family's sorrow after the details of the tragic incident spread.

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