
Military Options Readied to Strike Iranian Facilities if Negotiations Fail

Military Options Readied to Strike Iranian Facilities if Negotiations Fail

A high-ranking U.S. official revealed that the Pentagon has prepared plans to deal with Iran if negotiations regarding the nuclear agreement fail, including the possibility of striking nuclear facilities in the country as a last resort. In this context, discussions regarding these strikes are expected to take place with Israeli officials currently in Washington, specifically Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Mossad Chief David Barnea, today, Thursday.

The U.S. official, who requested anonymity according to Reuters, clarified that the planned talks in the United States with the Israeli defense minister follow a briefing provided by military leaders at the Pentagon to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, regarding the full range of military options to ensure Tehran cannot develop a nuclear weapon. However, he refrained from disclosing details about those exercises or potential military options. He stated, "We are at this impasse because Iran's nuclear program is developing to a point" that surpasses any conventional rationale, while also expressing hope for the nuclear discussions that will resume today in Vienna during their seventh round.

It is noteworthy that these U.S.-Israeli preparations, which have not been previously reported, underscore Western concerns regarding the difficulty of nuclear negotiations with Iran, which U.S. President Joe Biden hoped to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement that his predecessor Donald Trump withdrew from. Furthermore, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has warned multiple times that Iran is advancing its nuclear program. Last week, it confirmed that Iranian authorities began enriching uranium to a purity of 20% using a single set of 166 advanced IR-6 machines at the Fordow facility, built into a mountain, making it difficult to attack. These Iranian activities and endeavors have long been a source of concern for Western countries and the United States, particularly for Israel, which has repeatedly stated that it will not stand idly by on an issue it views as a threat to its national security.

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