
After the Beating Video: The Bride from Ismailia in Her Husband's Embrace

After the Beating Video: The Bride from Ismailia in Her Husband's Embrace

After a video circulated in Egypt showing a husband from Ismailia hitting his bride on their wedding night, resulting in her injury, another clip in the past few hours revealed the couple reconciling and returning to their marital home.

The city of Ismailia in eastern Egypt witnessed an unfortunate incident yesterday, where a bride and groom, along with their relatives, exchanged blows and insults just minutes after their wedding ceremony, which ended with the bride sustaining injuries.

In the video shared by social media users in the coastal governorate, a street brawl broke out between the couple, starting with a verbal dispute that escalated into a physical altercation, with relatives of both sides intervening, culminating in the bride getting hurt and falling to the ground. Blood stains were seen on her wedding dress, and amid the chaos, the bride pulled away from the scene, repeating, “God is sufficient for me, and He is the best disposer of affairs.” Security forces arrived at the fight's location to control the situation.

It later emerged that the couple has been in love for 13 years and are cousins. A misunderstanding during the wedding led to the brawl. The groom's father clarified that the bride is his niece, and what transpired was a result of misunderstanding that has since been resolved. He added that the couple has returned to their marital home and will travel this Friday morning to spend their honeymoon in Sharm El Sheikh.

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