
Al-Labki Reviews Preparations for Elections in Akkar

Al-Labki Reviews Preparations for Elections in Akkar

The logistical and administrative preparations for the electoral entitlement in the Akkar Governorate are nearing completion under the supervision of Akkar Governor Imad Al-Labki, who is overseeing all details necessary to ensure complete administrative readiness. The available resources and the governorate's departments are working continuously in this regard.

It is noteworthy that preparations for the elections began about a month ago in Akkar to address some fundamental gaps, the most important of which was securing electricity. The governorate developed an alternative plan in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Water to provide electricity at all polling stations, and the state ensured electricity for the registration committees around the clock at the Halba government center.

In polling centers, there is collaboration between the governorate and municipalities, as well as heads of municipal unions and mukhtars in villages without municipalities, to ensure electricity on Sunday from 6 PM until the completion of the counting process, effectively resolving over 95% of the electricity issue.

Administrative preparations for the ballot boxes, staff, and representatives have been completed, and an emergency election advance has been secured for urgent matters. Now, all preparations are practically ready. Efforts are currently underway to resolve any remaining obstacles and difficulties directly between the governorate, the ministry, the municipalities, and all relevant security agencies. There are two days left to prepare for the elections of employees, which will be held next Thursday. Four polling stations are allocated for the voting of registered employees, numbering 1,888 from Akkar Governorate, who are tasked with conducting the electoral process outside Akkar on Sunday.

All necessary administrative and logistical preparations have been made, and arrangements are in place to receive the ballot boxes designated for the northern first district next Friday. These will be distributed to polling stations on Saturday morning, and staff assigned to conduct the elections in Akkar will be allocated to these polling stations.

On the security front, a security meeting was held, chaired by Governor Al-Labki and attended by all relevant security bodies. An official basic security plan was agreed upon based on the directives of the Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Judge Bassam Mawlawi, and the sub-security office in Beirut.

As for the government center, it will serve as the center for counting all records for the registration committees, which consist of six committees and two higher committees. The existing security conditions, especially in Akkar, have been taken into account.

Governor Al-Labki received employees from the European Union election monitoring mission in Lebanon at his office in the Halba government center. He also supervised a training course for governorate employees on the election management mechanism, presented by trainer George Rizk from "LADE."

Al-Labki also received Ali Talais, the candidate from the "Loyalty to Akkar" list for the Sunni seat, and discussed all administrative preparations for these elections.

Talais praised the efforts exerted by Governor Al-Labki and his team and urged the people of Akkar to "actively participate on May 15 and engage their conscience in choosing those deserving to represent them in parliament."

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