
Gulf Ambassadors at Dar al-Fatwa: Negativity Toward Elections Does Not Build a Nation

Gulf Ambassadors at Dar al-Fatwa: Negativity Toward Elections Does Not Build a Nation

Grand Mufti of the Republic Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan received the ambassadors of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in Lebanon, including the Dean of the Arab diplomatic corps, Kuwaiti Ambassador Abdul Aal Al-Qanai, Saudi Ambassador Walid Bukhari, and Qatari Ambassador Ibrahim Al-Sahlawi, in the presence of the regional muftis in Lebanon.

Following the meeting, Ambassador Al-Qanai stated, "It was an opportunity to discuss and deliberate on the Lebanese situation and the relationship between our countries and our brother Lebanon. His Eminence provided us with a detailed explanation of the country’s circumstances and the challenges it faces. We emphasized the role of this institution in uniting the Lebanese people and the national moderate stances of His Eminence that call for cohesion among all Lebanese citizens. We expressed our support for him in all his endeavors for the benefit of this brotherly country." The ambassadors congratulated on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, recalling the qualities of the martyr Mufti Hassan Khalid, whose remembrance coincides with the anniversary of his martyrdom on May 16th.

The Grand Mufti received an invitation from Ambassador Bukhari to attend the fifth Saudi-Lebanese cultural forum titled "Martyr of the Message," honoring Mufti Sheikh Hassan Khalid, scheduled for next Saturday at 6 PM at the Saudi ambassador's residence in Yarzeh.

**Statement from Dar al-Fatwa:** The media office at Dar al-Fatwa issued a statement indicating that "the ambassadors stressed the importance of the religious and national role that Dar al-Fatwa and its scholars, under the guidance of the Grand Mufti, play in reinforcing Lebanese and Islamic unity during the difficult times Lebanon is experiencing, as a country of moderation, love, meeting, and mutual coexistence. They confirmed their support, cooperation, and solidarity with the people of Lebanon and its institutions, emphasizing their commitment to national unity. They considered that the unity of Lebanon and the model of its Islamic-Christian coexistence is a guarantee for the unity of the Lebanese people."

The ambassadors expressed their hopes that the upcoming parliamentary elections would be conducted with transparency to reflect the aspirations and hopes of the Lebanese people. They noted that negativity toward the next parliamentary elections does not build a nation and leaves room for others to fill the void and determine Lebanon's identity and its Arab people. They conveyed that their message to the Lebanese was to prioritize national interests over any other interests, and that participation in the elections to reach parliament should be for those who uphold Lebanon's sovereignty, freedom, Arab identity, and territorial integrity.

**The Mufti's Remarks:** In turn, the Grand Mufti emphasized the excellent fraternal relations he maintains with the GCC countries and their wise leadership in addressing Arab and Islamic issues, as well as enhancing cooperation and solidarity to confront the threats facing the region.

He stated, "Lebanon is going through a critical and sensitive phase that requires unifying ranks and strengthening ties between Lebanon and the GCC countries, sister Arab nations, and friendly nations for the benefit of Lebanon and the Lebanese people, who are suffering from the state's shortcomings in addressing economic and livelihood issues."

He added that the upcoming parliamentary elections are a significant turning point in Lebanon's history, and they have provided their guidance and instructions to their Lebanese sons and brothers to participate, not to boycott, as none of the officials called for a boycott. "Voting is a duty and a religious and national obligation that should not be taken lightly. Whoever wins these elections does so through the democratic free choice of the Lebanese people, and we must realize that the elections and the outcomes determine Lebanon's path and its relations with its Arab brothers and friends."

Mufti Daryan concluded: "We will engage in the electoral process alongside our children, and boycotting is surrender. We do not want to surrender Lebanon to the enemies of Arabism."

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