
# Lebanese Politicians Celebrate National Basketball Team Victory

# Lebanese Politicians Celebrate National Basketball Team Victory

Reactions from Lebanese politicians poured in this afternoon congratulating the national basketball team, the Cedar Team, for their victory over Jordan with a score of 86-85, securing their place in the final of the Asian Basketball Championship taking place in Indonesia.

President Michel Aoun congratulated the Cedar Team, stating, “Lebanon's qualification for the final of the Asian Cup is a new victory for the heroes of Lebanon and for the Arabs.” He expressed hope that Lebanon would emerge as champions of Asia tomorrow, adding, “Well done to the efforts of the young Lebanese team, your country is proud of you.”

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati also congratulated the team in a statement, saying, “Once again, we congratulate the Lebanese basketball team on their victory in the semifinals of the Asian Men’s Basketball Championship. This win represents a glimmer of hope for Lebanese youth and for Lebanon in these difficult times. On this occasion, I extend my greetings once again to the athletes who truly exhibit good sportsmanship, which will not be marred by any excess from here or a discordant voice from there. To the Lebanese team, I say congratulations and here’s to another date with great success, God willing.”

Meanwhile, former Prime Minister Hassan Diab thanked the Lebanese basketball team, players, administrators, and all involved, stating, “You have illuminated a light in a time of darkness and renewed the hope of the Lebanese in their ability to overcome challenges, no matter how great. Congratulations to Lebanon and the Lebanese people.”

Samir Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces Party, also congratulated Lebanon on winning in the semifinal of the Asian Championship, adding via Twitter, “This victory is a clear example that we have the human capacities and the necessary components to rise again, and it is a badge of honor on the chest of the Lebanese people, as well as a stain on the forehead of those who continue to squander the country’s resources for personal and regional interests.”

Minister of Youth and Sports in the caretaker government George Kallas tweeted, “Lebanon smiles again for the basketball heroes. Congratulations to Lebanon, and we hope to smile together for the governmental and presidential entitlements as we did for the sports achievement!”

For his part, Gibran Bassil, head of the Free Patriotic Movement, shared a photo of the Lebanese team with the caption: “Heroes, and you deserve to be heroes.”

MP Elias Asfour tweeted, “Congratulations to the Lebanese basketball team for their great victory in Indonesia and for qualifying for the Asian Cup final. This is the shining golden face of Lebanon that we are proud of. Let’s raise our hands in salute to the youth and sports of Lebanon, and pray for the political Lebanon to triumph over itself and restore the shine to the land of stars.”

Likewise, MP Ziad Hawwat tweeted, “A new lesson was offered by the Lebanese youth through the team’s victory over Jordan and their qualification for the final of the Asian Basketball Championship. We need a similar recovery project led by similar leadership. A team that prioritizes Lebanon above all without any partnership. This way we reach the summit. You have done it and proven that ascending is possible with will and effort. Congratulations.”

MP Simon Abi Ramia tweeted, “Champions, champions, champions! What can we say other than you deserve the title of ‘Champions of the Cedars,’ and tomorrow champions of Asia.”

MP Pierre Bou Assi tweeted, “Congratulations to Lebanon for qualifying for the final of the Asian Basketball Championship. Our national team is a symbol of Lebanon's capabilities.”

MP Michel Moawad tweeted, “To the final we go! A match that is as big as the nation, a match where the Cedars rightfully triumphed over Jordan and reached the final of the Asian Championship. Our dream continues, and hopefully we make it a reality tomorrow against Australia.”

Additionally, MP Raji Saad tweeted, “The heroes of Lebanon are repeating success after success, and here they are reaching the final of the Asian Cup to face Australia. A thousand congratulations to our heroes who fought until the last moment. Our hearts are big, guys, and you are the hope of the future.”

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