
Escalatory Stance of the Residents of Yanta in Denunciation of the Murder of Three of Its Sons

Escalatory Stance of the Residents of Yanta in Denunciation of the Murder of Three of Its Sons

The residents of Yanta in the Rashaya district, along with the families and mothers of the martyrs Tarek Mahmoud Zaidan, Yahya Kamil Aladdin, and Yahya Salim Yahya, executed a protest to denounce the murder of their sons under circumstances that remain unclear. Tarek Zaidan and Yahya Aladdin were killed over a month ago, while Yahya Yahya was killed nearly a year ago. They demanded that all concerned parties from the Ministries of Interior and Municipalities, Justice, the Lebanese Army, and all security, judicial, and official authorities ensure the safety of the protest, which was held in the town square. The event witnessed a large turnout from the townspeople, including residents and expatriates. Artist and painter Amir Salama spoke at the gathering, offering condolences to the martyrs and emphasizing the unified stance among all communities of Yanta. He stressed the importance of revealing the truth and holding the perpetrators accountable to ease the hearts of the mothers and families of the martyrs, calling on the security, judicial, and military agencies to exert maximum efforts to provide a social safety net and pointing out that Yanta will not remain silent until the full truth is revealed.

Dr. Khaled Al-Hakim, the Mayor of Yanta, addressed the gathering on behalf of the townspeople, saying: "Our town Yanta is going through this critical stage our beloved country is experiencing, under exceptional and difficult circumstances that require the highest levels of wisdom, foresight, and vigilance to overcome them courageously and with a unified stance, to reach the truth and justice. We also wish to assert that Yanta is not easy prey for anyone, nor will it be a site or a passageway for malicious plots or cheap targeting by criminal gangs that believe they are above accountability and pursuit; especially since it has been a year since the murder of our regretted son Yahya Yahya, and we have not yet reached the desired result in uncovering the circumstances surrounding this unfortunate incident. More than a month has passed since the murder of the regretted young men Tarek Mahmoud Zaidan and Yahya Kamil Aladdin, along with the attempted murder of young Adi Abu Qalfouni. All these events occurred within the territories of Yanta, and the circumstances of these crimes remain unknown, without revealing facts to cool the hearts."

Al-Hakim stated: "Following a meeting for all residents of Yanta on 8-8-2022, we consider the following important points:

1. Affirming the authority of the state and all its security, military, judicial, and official institutions, and considering it the only guarantor of security and stability, while also emphasizing the necessity of providing all means of support and rallying around the army and security forces to fulfill their tasks to the fullest.

2. Stressing the necessity to pursue the investigation into the murder of Yahya Yahya and the killings of Tarek Mahmoud Zaidan and Yahya Kamil Aladdin, along with the attempted murder of Adi Abu Qalfouni. We call upon the Minister of Interior and Municipalities and the Minister of Justice to exert utmost efforts and provide the necessary resources to help facilitate the investigations and take required actions without delay to avoid being forced into escalatory measures.

3. The occurrence of killings near the Lebanese Army centers and within the territories of Yanta, alongside smuggling operations nearby, further increases our determination to seek clarity and reveal the truth as quickly as possible, cutting off any attempts to disrupt the prevailing security and safety in our town. This requires follow-up, scrutiny, and the necessary efforts from the concerned security authorities to ensure safety and stability in Yanta and the neighboring villages under their jurisdiction so that we can jointly achieve the desired truth and put an end to the shifting of responsibilities to avoid losing sight of the investigation and to reassure the hearts of the victims' families. We have full confidence in the Lebanese Army and its leadership and in the security institutions, and we affirm our support for them as their role is a major guarantee for the nation and its citizens.

4. Enhancing the military and security presence of Lebanese Army units in the border areas adjacent to our town and neighboring villages. In this context, we call for reinforcing security measures at the main and secondary entrances to the town, concurrently providing protection for farmers and herders, and ensuring safe access for all citizens to every part of Yanta to invest and revitalize it, especially amid these difficult economic and living conditions, while also protecting our forest resources from encroachments. This demand will not be relinquished under any circumstances.

5. We, the residents of Yanta, both locals and expatriates, fully commit to removing any protection from those who commit any acts contrary to our morals, values, and existing laws that threaten stability and civil and social peace. We also put ourselves and our resources at the disposal of the relevant authorities for immediate intervention in case of any emergency that threatens the safety and security of the community. Furthermore, we emphasize our continuous follow-up on the investigation files periodically to fully unveil the truth, demanding not to procrastinate and to finalize matters as soon as possible. We are awaiting tangible results; otherwise, Yanta will take a decisive stance to achieve its full rights without compromise and to maintain the image of Yanta that we cherish and are proud of."

Fandi Yagi, a member of the expatriate community and the Yanta Cultural Association in Edmonton stated: "The scale of the calamities that have befallen Yanta this year has sent waves of sorrow and anger to the farthest corners of the earth, reaching every virtuous child of Yanta who is only separated from their families by distance, which shrinks in times of hardship. The profound grief and anger can only be complemented by rebuke and blame, for no one is held accountable or monitored. We bury our martyrs while the criminals remain free. The killing of our finest youths continues as if Yanta has become on another planet and its people from another world. The sons of Yanta in Lebanon and the thousands in Canada stand united, strong, and resilient in their land, the land of Lebanon, no matter how surrounded they are by forces of evil and crime. Just as our ancestors stood firm against colonizers throughout history, Yanta will stand strong against the criminals and bandits. Furthermore, Yanta will not rest until the full truth is revealed and punishment is meted out to the perpetrators of these ongoing murders. Yanta in Canada shares one opinion and one sentiment with the mother city, and when one of us suffers, thousands support them and will not leave them alone. We will not rest until the truth is revealed in its entirety, and justice is made the path. The residents of Yanta in Canada have raised the Lebanese flag and worked in all fields to uplift it, dedicating all our capabilities to serve the residents who suffer the bitterness of life in their country, and they will not be deterred by colonialism or tyranny. They will remain heads held high, clinging to their land and their rights, which will not be lost no matter how dark the clouds may gather around them." He continued: "We rely on the state security agencies that have uncovered the most complex crimes, and the state is our refuge and reference. Mercy upon our three martyrs, Yahya Yahya, Tarek Zaidan, and Yahya Aladdin, and the path remains steadfast and resolute until the truth is revealed and the criminals are uncovered."

A cry of pain and a plea from the mother of martyr Yahya Aladdin was voiced for the truth to be revealed, expressing her trust in divine justice. Lara Zaidan, sister of martyr Tarek Zaidan, spoke of her deep sorrow over the assassination of her brother and his companion, calling for the identification and accountability of the perpetrators as quickly as possible. The protest ended with a silent march to the town's cemetery, where Zaidan, Aladdin, and Yahya rest.

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