
Why Does Weather Affect Your Health?

Why Does Weather Affect Your Health?

Dr. Maria Vavilova, an endocrinologist and gynecologist, announced that many people associate their poor health with sudden weather changes. But is this true? The specialist indicates that the actual reason is not the change in weather, but rather a disruption in the functioning of the body's systems. For example, if a person is affected by temperature fluctuations, it means that it is time to pay attention to their blood vessels because the body is trying to adapt to the changing weather.

She states, "The body cannot withstand instability. If something changes outside, it has to adjust its functions in a way that enables it to survive and maintain its internal balance. The main system that does this is the heart and blood vessels."

She adds that there is a membrane called the endothelium inside the blood vessels. Depending on the condition of the body, it secretes biologically active substances and hormones to ensure adaptation to changes. She explains, "The inner endothelial layer of blood vessels cannot remain incomplete; dead cells must be replaced immediately. If the endothelium is incomplete, it will not react appropriately to certain stressful situations, such as changes in weather conditions or pressure."

This means that the feeling of poor health during weather changes indicates that the endothelial cells have not been updated. Vavilova remarks, "We cannot see this by looking inside a blood vessel. But we feel it through how well we endure weather changes."

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