
Title: Jordan: Control of Fire at Flammable Materials Warehouse in Aqaba (Video)

Title: Jordan: Control of Fire at Flammable Materials Warehouse in Aqaba (Video)

A fire broke out early Wednesday morning in two warehouses belonging to the Aqaba Logistics Company in the southern region. According to the news site "Ammon," the warehouses contained flammable materials, car tires, and electrical devices, and the fire spread over a large area before firefighting teams arrived to extinguish it. A source in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone stated that the head of the Aqaba Authority, Naif Hamidi Al-Fayez, arrived at the scene to oversee the handling of the incident.

The source clarified that the cause of the fire has not yet been determined, and an investigation into the incident will be opened, noting that the losses were limited to the goods, and their magnitude cannot be assessed at this time. Meanwhile, Aqaba Governor Khaled Al-Hajaj stated that the fire started at 3 AM at the logistics company located in the southern area, which is situated outside the city in an empty zone. He pointed out that the warehouses are designated for storing goods arriving via ports and containers for traders and contain vehicle tires and rolls of paper. He confirmed that cooling operations are ongoing by the civil defense, and a committee has been formed to determine the cause of the fire.

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