Hind Al-Qahtani's Controversial Response to Critics

Saudi activist Hind Al-Qahtani sparked significant controversy on social media following a sarcastic video she posted in response to critics who urged her to stop taking inappropriate photos of herself and her daughter, particularly showcasing her body from behind.

In the video, Hind shared clips of herself with her children by the swimming pool at home, playfully interacting with their pet cat. She then transitioned to her kitchen, demonstrating how to make maamoul while expressing discomfort with stomach pains. However, after adding the ingredients, she began to move robotically around the kitchen, saying she does this to please people. “To satisfy you, I have to move this way and not turn right or left and put it like this,” she commented.

Hind continued her response to critics by labeling them as backward individuals, asserting that she will never change and will always behave normally. She added, “I behave like this as all of God's creations do on Earth, moving like an ordinary human.”

She also responded to backlash regarding her daughter's appearance, stating her belief that a woman's body is not private. This statement invited further criticism and attacks against her, leading her to declare, "My daughter is 15 years old, and my daughters and I do not consider our bodies private. You say my daughter refuses to take inappropriate photos; what is inappropriate? Wake up, you sick, distorted remnants of awareness. Our bodies are not private... What do you want exactly? Do you want us to cut our flesh and fat to satisfy you? If our bodies were like rulers, there would be no privacy. If our bodies are feminine, do we provoke desires? You have gone too far."

She emphasized that the video was directed at those with a distorted mindset who view women as a private matter. Hind declared that she would always remain an ordinary person and would not change despite criticism.

Hind had previously drawn attention when she filmed a video in a market, showcasing her daughter Ruwa, who was visibly shy and requested her to stop filming. However, Hind ignored her daughter’s request and continued recording, which led to severe criticism from many Snapchat influencers. In response, she described the critics as sick and expressed feeling wronged by the backlash from the video, stating, “Oh sick ones, it's true what they called you the dirtiest east. What positions are we in? We’re in a supermarket. What is my daughter wearing? Pants and a sweater. The worst people are those who write with fake accounts, cowards who can only type with their fingers. Enough of this ignorance and injustice."

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