
Netanyahu Announces Postponement of Judicial Reforms to Next Knesset Session

Netanyahu Announces Postponement of Judicial Reforms to Next Knesset Session

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the postponement of the second and third readings of the justice reform bill to the next Knesset session, stating that "the delay comes from a desire to reach broad consensus." In a speech broadcast on television during prime time, he emphasized that he is not willing to divide the nation into parts, declaring that "we are at a dangerous crossroads and the crisis requires everyone to act responsibly." Netanyahu noted that he will turn over every stone in search of a solution and revealed that there is a radical minority willing to divide our nation. His statements came after massive demonstrations, among the largest protests in Israel's history, took place in the streets. Following Netanyahu's announcement to postpone the judicial reforms, the Israeli labor union called for the cancellation of the nationwide strike. Opposition leader Yair Lapid pointed out that if the government can come up with a fair proposal, we can emerge from this crisis stronger. In this context, the spokesperson for the Israeli Airports Authority announced the return of operations at Ben Gurion Airport to normal after a strike due to judicial reform plans.

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