
Traffic Tragedy: Truck Topples Cars from Bridge

Traffic Tragedy: Truck Topples Cars from Bridge

A major traffic incident occurred in Egypt, where a truck pushed several cars off a bridge, resulting in injuries. A video captured by surveillance cameras revealed the horrific scene, showcasing a congested traffic situation on the circular road in the Marioutiya area of Al-Haram, south of Giza. The truck dangerously sped through, colliding with the cars in front of it, causing several to fall from the road.

The accident led to rear-end collisions among multiple vehicles, with others falling from the top of the road, resulting in fatalities and injuries, though no official counts have been released yet.

Emergency vehicles and rescue teams quickly arrived at the scene to clear the aftermath of the incident, facilitate traffic movement, and transport the injured to hospitals. Authorities are investigating the truck driver and gathering testimonies from witnesses to determine the cause of the accident.

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