
Title: The Benefits of Short Breaks

Title: The Benefits of Short Breaks

A new study has shown that what is known as "short breaks," lasting a few seconds to minutes throughout the day, provides individuals with more energy and improves overall health. "Short breaks" refer to brief pauses, from a few seconds up to 10 minutes, that reduce stress and enhance energy levels, according to Patricia Albulet and her team from the University of Timișoara in western Romania, in research published in the scientific journal "PLoS ONE." The tendency to feel more energetic and less fatigued after short breaks was confirmed. It is unclear whether this will also lead to increased productivity after a short break, but scientists found that performance does not decline, at least. Psychologist Friedhelm Nahrein, who heads a research and psychological foundation and did not participate in the study, states, "Short breaks do not lead to recovery, but they prevent excessive fatigue." Nahrein advises against taking short breaks too late in the day. There is also a cultural element, according to the study's authors, as many employees still feel that taking breaks is "unproductive behavior." Despite this, they argue that managers should strongly encourage short breaks for employees in the future, considering their benefits.

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