Ukrainian officials and media reported that "Russia attacked the city of Dnipro in central Ukraine with missiles and drones on Tuesday, causing damage to a power station and cutting off water supplies to some residents." The Ukrainian Air Force mentioned via the Telegram app that "the city, which has a population of just under one million, was targeted by a missile and four groups of drones approaching from the south, east, and north." It stated that it shot down 16 out of 23 drones. Regional governor Serhii Lysak noted, "The electricity infrastructure was bombed," but did not provide further details. He added that ten drones were destroyed over the city. Dnipro Mayor Borys Filatov pointed out that "authorities closed schools in one neighborhood and evacuated at least one hospital ahead of an expected cold weather wave that will increase pressure on the electricity network." Russia and Ukraine have intensified their aerial attacks away from the front lines in recent months, targeting each other's vital energy infrastructure, military, and transport systems.