
Title: Russia: Dozens Arrested During Memorial Rallies for Navalny

Title: Russia: Dozens Arrested During Memorial Rallies for Navalny

The human rights group OVD-Info reported on Saturday that "more than 110 people were arrested during events in Russia to commemorate prominent opposition figure Alexei Navalny, who died on Friday and was the strongest local opponent of President Vladimir Putin." OVD-Info, which focuses on the right to assemble in Russia, noted that "more than 110 people were arrested in 13 cities across Russia during spontaneous marches as of 07:36 GMT." It added that "at least 69 were arrested in St. Petersburg." Authorities announced that Navalny, a 47-year-old former lawyer, collapsed and died after a stroll in the Polar Wolf penal colony in the Arctic, where he was serving a 30-year prison sentence.

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