
Title: "No Peace or Agreement" with the Rapid Support Forces


Sudan's Sovereign Council President Abdel Fattah al-Burhan stated that "there is no peace or agreement with the Rapid Support Forces." In a speech on Friday in Jabait before a number of officers and soldiers, Burhan said: "I salute the popular resistance, and we will initiate the arming and organizing of it to defend itself, its country, and its properties against the rebels under the command of the armed forces." He added: "The militia is fighting the Sudanese people, not the army. They kill, violate honor, loot money and properties, and boast about democracy." He emphasized: "There will be no negotiation with those who fight the Sudanese and violate the rights of women. We will triumph over them, whether it takes a long time or a short time. We extend our hands to any sincere effort to stop the war, but those who seek murder and looting in the name of false legitimacy will not be allowed." He stressed that "every citizen has the right to defend themselves, their home, their property, and their honor, because mercenaries have targeted citizens, looted their possessions, displaced them from their homes, and fought them with utter shamelessness."

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