
Ukrainian Conscription Triggers Fears Among Moroccan Dual Nationals

Ukrainian Conscription Triggers Fears Among Moroccan Dual Nationals

The website "Hespress" reported that Moroccans who hold Ukrainian citizenship and reside in Ukraine are experiencing a state of "fear" as the activation of the general mobilization law approaches. This law includes individuals with dual nationality, including Moroccans, particularly men. The military has intensified its operations in the streets of Ukrainian cities to ensure that all men holding Ukrainian citizenship, including those with other nationalities, are registered for military service.

The Moroccan site noted that "at the beginning of this month, all those holding Ukrainian citizenship along with citizenship from another country, such as Morocco, began to stay at home for fear of being arrested by members of the Ukrainian army, who occupy all public facilities, ready at any moment to bundle them into vehicles headed for conscription centers."

According to sources from the site, "with the implementation of the conscription law, the remaining Moroccans in Ukraine, numbering in the dozens, will face the imminent threat of death and the risk of arrest." It is worth noting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bill on April 16, expanding the mobilization scope following the human losses of his forces.

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