
Title: Sami Gemayel: Hezbollah is Taking the Country to Tension

Title: Sami Gemayel: Hezbollah is Taking the Country to Tension

Sami Gemayel, the head of the "Kataeb" party, pointed out that "all Lebanese are aware of the security chaos and the militias' control over Lebanese territory." He added that "the positions of the Kataeb party regarding Lebanon's sovereignty and confronting anyone trying to hijack our country necessitated that we remain vigilant and adhere to necessary security measures." In an interview on the program "Political Scene," he indicated that "as long as there are armed militias, both Lebanese and non-Lebanese, within Lebanese territory, and as long as the Lebanese state is unable to assert its sovereignty, we will witness further security breakdowns, and the situation will worsen."

He stated that "we see a security incident every day; the solution is not in self-security, which is a flight forward leading to more problems, but in uniting the people to rise against the reality of the state's and institutions' collapse." Regarding the conflict in the south and support for Gaza, Gemayel clarified that "Hezbollah initially stated it has opened a supporting front, which means it is engaged in offensive, not defensive action. Therefore, it cannot attack and defend simultaneously; it must choose, and it claims to do both."

On Iranian responses to Israel, he observed that "Iran warned Israel three days before the bombing and coordinated with the Americans on how to intercept missiles before launching them; thus, Iran and Hezbollah do not intend to enter a situation that would harm their system." He emphasized that "Hezbollah's behavior is divisive because it places the Lebanese in front of two bad options: submission and acceptance of living as second-class citizens, being dictated to by others, or rising up against it through war." He considered that "the party is taking the country to tension and dragging us into difficult and impossible choices."

He said, "So far, we refuse to be dragged into its territory, and this cannot last. We possess the wisdom to deal with the situation because we are keen on the country and its unity, but the party is leading us to a place where we accept being dhimmis, and it bears responsibility for any matters that could arise and cause us to lose control."

Gemayel added, "We can coexist with Hezbollah's supporters, but not with the party's religious and fanatical ideology that has brainwashed its members. The choice before these Lebanese is to decide whether they want to be part of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's project in the region and serve under the guardianship of the leader in a global battle aimed at Islamizing the land and turning countries into an Iranian empire governed by the ideology of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, or to be Lebanese working together to build the state."

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