
Luna Al-Shibl's Burial Without Mourning Ceremonies: What’s the Reason?

Luna Al-Shibl's Burial Without Mourning Ceremonies: What’s the Reason?

The family of Luna Al-Shibl, an advisor to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, declined to receive her in her hometown of Sweida for burial after she died in a car accident on Friday, resulting in her funeral and burial taking place in the capital, Damascus. Media sources confirmed that "the regime chose the Dahdah Cemetery in Damascus to bury Luna Al-Shibl, after her family refused to accept her in her hometown of Arra in western Sweida due to ongoing disputes with her."

Sources also reported that no official vehicles participated in the funeral, and that "the presidency" did not send flowers as is customary in such official occasions, especially given Al-Shibl's status as an advisor to Bashar al-Assad. It was noted that she had conflicts with her half-siblings, leading the family to refuse to bury her in the village or hold a mourning assembly, particularly since her father, retired Brigadier General Adel As'ad Al-Shibl, had disowned her prior to his death.

Pages close to the Syrian regime circulated an obituary for Al-Shibl, stating that the funeral was held from Al-Shami Hospital in Damascus to her final resting place in Dahdah Cemetery on Baghdad Street. Notably, the announcement specified that the mourning period was limited to just two hours and only for one day, mentioning that "condolences will be accepted for men and women today, Sunday, at the Daret Al-Saadah hall located in Mezze from 6 PM to 8 PM."

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