
Miqati: The Essence of Our Goals is to Activate Women's Leading Role in Decision Making

Miqati: The Essence of Our Goals is to Activate Women's Leading Role in Decision Making

A closing ceremony for the first national action plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325 "On Women, Peace, and Security" was held today at the Grand Serail, under the auspices of caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati. During the event, Miqati delivered a speech stating: "I am pleased to meet you at this honorable ceremony, marking the conclusion of the national action plan to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security, which we hope will serve as the cornerstone for achieving sustainable development goals in Lebanon for the years to come, and provide a comprehensive national framework to ensure Lebanon's stability and security. This also aims to support women's participation in decision-making, protect them from various forms of violence, and reconsider laws that undermine their rights, among other related matters."

He added: "It is worth noting that the Prime Minister's office approved in 2019 the establishment of a comprehensive strategy to implement this resolution, assigning the National Commission for Lebanese Women's Affairs the task of preparing this plan, which was carried out in an active participatory manner with the relevant official departments, civil society, as well as international organizations and donor agencies to achieve the defined goals and adapt them to the needs and priorities of Lebanese society."

Miqati highlighted that women in Lebanese society, despite their overall distinction in education, competence, and their ability to prove themselves and compete in various sectors, still suffer from injustices in some laws that constrain and diminish their rights. He continued: "We also witness numerous instances of violence against them, which underscores the need to reconsider certain legal texts and introduce others to protect and empower them to ensure their full human rights as stipulated in the International Bill of Human Rights. Among what this bill stipulates is women's right to justice, equality, and non-discrimination, alongside efforts to support their participation in decision-making and amplify their leading role in political, economic, administrative, and social positions, which embodies the essence of our goals and those of the National Commission for Women’s Affairs in achieving the national action plan for Resolution 1325.”

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