
Iraq: One Step Before Approving the Salary Scale... What is the Government's Role?

Iraq: One Step Before Approving the Salary Scale... What is the Government's Role?

Member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Muhammad Anouz, proposed to the government to approve the salary scale and initiate hiring. Anouz stated that "the most important laws for citizens are those with a financial aspect," urging the government to "align the financial allocations for those laws so they can be passed." He added that "the government does not have sufficient funds, which forces it to postpone some of them," indicating that "the pension law, salary scale, social care, and the initiation of hiring have all remained mere texts and laws due to the lack of funds, and this is not within the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives."

The Parliamentary Legal Committee has dismissed the Iraqi government's main justifications for delaying the amendment of the salary scale, specifically the need to review and amend more than 34 laws, asserting that it can be simplified by enacting a federal civil service law. Commenting on Prime Minister Al-Sudani's statement that the salary scale requires the review and amendment of more than 34 laws, Parliamentary Legal Committee member Muhammad Al-Khafaji said that "the number of laws that need amendment does not mean that amending the salary scale is impossible, nor is it a justification for delaying work on it. It is a difficult task, but not an impossible one."

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