New Sanctions from New Zealand on Russia

New Zealand's Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced that the government has decided to impose sanctions against an additional 51 Russian individuals, as well as 24 officials related to the territories annexed by Russia. She stated, "We are adding 24 individuals linked to the recent decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin to annex the territories to the sanctions, in addition to the 51 individuals, including Alexander Abramov."

Among those included in the sanctions is Russian billionaire Alexander Abramov, a steel and iron magnate, along with members of his family, as well as the company Evraz in which he has a stake. According to the decision, he has been banned from entering the country.

The new sanctions list includes Oleg Belozyorov, head of the Russian Railways, Alexander Dyukov, head of Gazprom Neft, Alexei Likhachev, general director of the Russian atomic agency Rosatom, Alexander Mikheev, general director of the military equipment export agency Rosoboronexport, Boris Obnosov, general director of the Tactical Missile Corporation, Dmitry Patrushev, Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Potanin, general director of Norilsk Nickel, Leonid Mikhelson, head of Novatek, and businessmen Mikhail Gutseriev and Igor Kiselev, among others.

It is noted that the new sanctions against individuals and companies will take effect on October 12. Restrictions have also been imposed on the export of New Zealand wine and seafood, and on the import of vodka and caviar from Russia.

Additionally, there are restrictions on Russian oil and gas and related equipment. The 35% tariffs imposed in April on all imports from Russia have been extended until March 2025.

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