A former nationalist deputy, known for her strong advocacy of the Ukrainian language, was killed after being shot in Lviv, western Ukraine, according to authorities. In a message on Telegram, the Ukrainian National Police stated that Iryna Farion died from her injuries in the hospital following an assassination attempt. The mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyi, remarked, "I still insist that there is no safe place in Ukraine," condemning what he called a "shameful assassination" and offering condolences to the victim's family.
The Ukrainian prosecutor's office reported that the attack occurred on Friday evening when an unknown assailant shot Iryna Farion, causing severe wounds to her head. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky noted on X that "all surveillance cameras have been checked, witnesses have been interrogated, and many neighborhoods of Lviv have been examined." He mentioned that all leads are being analyzed, including those that may lead to Russia.
Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko clarified on Friday evening in Lviv that the suspect had been monitoring the victim's house for several days. He indicated that investigators are currently focusing on a crime motivated by "personal hatred" related to the victim's activities, but did not rule out a "planned assassination."