
Frontska: Flexibility Needed for Presidential and Municipal Elections

Frontska: Flexibility Needed for Presidential and Municipal Elections

The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Frontska, and the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, briefed the Security Council on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006), focusing on the report from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that covers the period from November 3, 2022, to February 20, 2023. In her review of the situation in Lebanon, the Special Coordinator expressed the grave concerns shared by the Secretary-General and the International Support Group for Lebanon about the lack of progress towards electing a new president since the last briefing. She emphasized the necessity for political leaders to show flexibility and urgency to elect a president in consideration of the Lebanese people's interests.

She stated, "The implications of the presidential vacuum, which has now approached its fifth month, contribute to the paralysis of state institutions while the country is in dire need of urgent and effective governmental actions. This also undermines the country's ability to address pressing social, economic, security, and humanitarian challenges at a time when citizens are facing increasing difficulties."

She pointed out several examples of how the crisis has impacted people's lives, including the rapid devaluation of the Lebanese pound, subsequent inflation, decreasing purchasing power, rising poverty rates, and a decline in essential public services in key sectors such as water, energy, education, and health, along with increasing public frustration leading to prolonged strikes, especially in the public sector. She expressed regret over insufficient efforts to enact and implement the necessary reforms to rescue the Lebanese economy and put the country on the path to recovery. This, in turn, has delayed the agreement on a financial program with the International Monetary Fund, which is crucial for stabilizing the economy.

Reaffirming the importance of respecting all constitutional deadlines in Lebanon, the Special Coordinator welcomed the ongoing preparations for holding municipal elections later this year, indicating that the government and parliament must take the necessary steps to ensure their timely conduct. She noted that elections also represent an opportunity to enhance women's participation and representation.

She praised the diligent efforts of the Lebanese Army and security forces despite limited resources and encouraged further international support for military and security institutions as reliable partners in maintaining stability and security in Lebanon. She also welcomed the cooperation between the Lebanese Army and UNIFIL in southern Lebanon as a cornerstone for the successful implementation of resolution 1701.

In concluding her briefing to the Security Council, the Special Coordinator reaffirmed the United Nations' continued support for Lebanon and its people.

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