Arab World

Health Crisis for Jehan Sadat: Hospitalized

Health Crisis for Jehan Sadat: Hospitalized

The family of the late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat announced that his wife, Jehan, has suffered a severe health crisis, leading to her admission to a major hospital in Egypt. Senator and nephew of the late president, Iftikhar Sadat, stated that Jehan Sadat is currently staying at a major medical center after experiencing a critical health issue, with doctors having prohibited visitors. He added that she had been undergoing treatment in the United States, and upon her return, she faced a new health crisis that necessitated hospitalization for treatment.

Furthermore, the late president's nephew and former member of the House of Representatives, Mohamed Anwar Ismat Sadat, issued a statement wishing for Jehan's recovery. He remarked that she was a first lady in every sense of the term, able to fulfill her family duties while performing her social and humanitarian role as the president's wife.

**About Her**

Jehan Safwat Raouf was born on August 29, 1933. She married the late president when he was a military officer on May 29, 1949, and they had three daughters: Labna, Nuh, and Jehan, and one son, Gamal. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Arts from Cairo University in 1977, followed by a Master's degree in Comparative Literature in 1980, and obtained her doctorate in 1986. She worked in the faculty at Cairo University and is currently a visiting professor at the American University in Cairo and a lecturer at the University of South Carolina. Jehan founded the Association of Loyalty and Hope for October Warriors and has been a supporter of women's education and their rights in Egyptian society.

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