Arab World

Election of the United Arab Emirates to the Security Council for the 2022-2023 Term

Election of the United Arab Emirates to the Security Council for the 2022-2023 Term

The members of the United Nations General Assembly today elected the United Arab Emirates to the Security Council alongside Albania, Brazil, Gabon, and Ghana for the 2022-2023 term. The United Arab Emirates joined the United Nations in 1971 coinciding with the establishment of the state and previously held a seat on the Security Council from 1986 to 1987. The UAE's campaign for membership in the Security Council was based on its commitment to promoting inclusivity, stimulating innovation, building resilience, and ensuring peace at all levels. The UAE emphasized its strong belief in the importance of building bridges to enhance relationships among Council members and restoring the trust of member states in the Council's ability to respond effectively to international challenges facing global peace and security.

The UAE received endorsements from the Arab League in 2012 and the Asia-Pacific Group in June 2020 for its candidacy for the Security Council. The UAE officially launched its campaign in September 2020 and conducted a series of virtual briefings for regional groups at the UN, contributing to strengthening relations with member states. During these discussions, the UAE reaffirmed its commitment to listening to the concerns of all UN member states and considering their views throughout its membership in the Council.

On this occasion, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, stated, "The UAE has always been ready to take its part in addressing pressing global challenges in collaboration with the international community, and this is the primary motivation for our campaign for Security Council membership." He added, "The UAE has committed to multilateral work, international law, and the UN Charter since its founding and will continue to uphold these principles during its membership in the Security Council. I am confident that our history and role as a reliable partner and mediator will enable us to make an effective contribution during the two years we will spend in the Security Council. We recognize the significant responsibility associated with this membership and the importance of the challenges facing the Council. With determination and perseverance, the UAE will strive to maintain international peace and security."

For her part, Her Excellency Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Political Affairs and Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, said, "The role of the UAE in the Security Council is rooted in our belief that our values and principles can help drive progress towards our common goal of international peace and security." She added, "During the two years we will serve on the Council, our team here in New York, Abu Dhabi, and around the world will work constructively with our fellow member states to overcome divisions and make tangible progress in addressing the gravest challenges, from building resilience against climate change to tackling global health crises and pandemics, and harnessing the potential of innovation to achieve peace. The UAE is committed to working in the Council with a spirit of collaboration and partnership. I also congratulate Albania, Brazil, Gabon, and Ghana on their election to the Security Council today, and I look forward to working together to build a more peaceful, secure, and inclusive future for all."

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