
Title: Addict Kills 7 Relatives and Neighbors in an Arab Country and Meets His Death

Title: Addict Kills 7 Relatives and Neighbors in an Arab Country and Meets His Death

The city of Tobruk in Libya witnessed a crime that resulted in the death of 8 people, including the perpetrator, who was a drug addict. The Libyan Ministry of Interior stated that the Tobruk Security Directorate received a report on Friday morning indicating that a drug addict named "Mohamed Muftah Saleh Abdul Rabah" committed a "heinous murder" that claimed the lives of seven people, including relatives and neighbors. It was clarified that following this report, the directorate tasked patrols from the emergency police department to head to the location to apprehend the perpetrator. However, he opened fire on the police officers, which necessitated dealing with the source of the fire and storming the farm where he was located, resulting in his injury and subsequent death.

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