
Title: Will Ministerial Appointments Be Completed Before August 1?

Title: Will Ministerial Appointments Be Completed Before August 1?

There are some who hope to reconnect what has been severed between the presidency and the government, with the possibility of completing ministerial appointments before August 1, which is also Lebanese Armed Forces Day, marked by an official celebration attended by the presidents of the republic, council, and government. However, informed sources do not see this as a feasible possibility, given the sharp decline in the relationship between President Michel Aoun, his March 8 coalition, and the designate prime minister Najib Mikati, who is expected to return from his Eid al-Adha holiday tomorrow, Monday. These sources even downplayed the sustainability of the existing political truce between the two presidencies, given its connection to the arrival of the French envoy Pierre Durel in Beirut tomorrow, alongside a Saudi official, to launch the Saudi-French joint fund to assist the Lebanese people through charitable organizations and NGOs, just ahead of the second anniversary of the Beirut port explosion.

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