
Peaches Detoxify the Body

Peaches Detoxify the Body

Russian nutrition expert Dr. Elena Solomatina announced that peaches protect the heart and detoxify the body. In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, she noted that regular consumption of peaches boosts the immune system and protects against various infectious diseases. It also aids in skin renewal.

She added, "Thanks to the high content of plant fibers and pectin in peaches, they positively influence the functioning of all body organs and systems." Dr. Solomatina explained that the dietary fiber in peaches is soluble, helping to eliminate heavy metal salts and toxins from the body, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, removing excess fluids, ensuring the heart muscle functions normally, and reducing blood pressure.

Additionally, she stated, "Peaches contain a sufficient amount of beta-carotene, which positively impacts vision and maintains beneficial bacteria in the intestines. It is advised to remove the skin of the peach before consumption."

She emphasized that "the peach skin is soft, but it is better to remove it because we do not know what substances were used in its treatment or their source. It is difficult to wash peaches thoroughly and properly due to their softness and delicacy." The expert also advises individuals with high blood sugar levels to avoid sweet peaches, as well as those with gastrointestinal health issues during exacerbation.

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