
American Scientist Reveals Surprise About the "Origin of Corona"

American Scientist Reveals Surprise About the

A prominent American scientist stated that he first heard about the outbreak of the coronavirus roughly two weeks before China's initial warning in 2019 about the pandemic that swept across the globe. This statement from Ian Lipkin, a professor at Columbia University, undermines the official Chinese narrative regarding the origin of COVID-19. Lipkin remarked during a university documentary on the pandemic that he learned about the coronavirus outbreak on December 15, 2019, and reiterated the date for clarity, which contradicts Beijing's announcement of the outbreak at the end of the same month. The official Chinese narrative claims that prior to the official declaration of the outbreak in Wuhan, there were only five reported cases. The World Health Organization did not receive any alert from China for 16 days after Taiwan raised the alarm about the new virus, and critics of China argue that this delay contributed to the rapid spread of the virus worldwide. Professor Lipkin is not unfamiliar with China; he has worked there for some time and was honored by the Chinese government for his role in combating the SARS virus. He stated that he heard about the virus in mid-December, mentioning that he was "tracking the illness with his friends at the disease control centers and the national government." He added, citing a Chinese researcher, that the disaster of the pandemic could have been prevented if the warning systems had functioned properly.

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