
Assala Engages Followers with Her Colored Hair: Here’s What She Said About the Change

Assala Engages Followers with Her Colored Hair: Here’s What She Said About the Change

The Syrian artist Assala Nasri appeared in a new music video for her song "Sultan Al-Mahabba" with a wig, adopting colored hair in two different looks within the same video. This change in the music video has been the talk among Assala's fans. She commented on it on her official Twitter account, tweeting: "I was happy singing it and also happy filming it, and I took on the role of playing with my colorful cheerful outfits under the direction of my dear talented friend Nahal Nabil... I hope to convey to you the energy of joy that I felt because making you happy is the goal." It is worth mentioning that the song's lyrics are by Prince Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah, composed by maestro Dr. Talal, and distributed by Hossam Kamel.

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