
Will a Government Be Formed Before the End of Aoun's Term?

Will a Government Be Formed Before the End of Aoun's Term?

Deputy Ziad Hawat does not foresee a government being formed in the near future before the end of this term, stating that he does not hold high hopes "with this mix of political forces." In an interview with "Voice of Lebanon" radio, Hawat noted that "the team of President Michel Aoun leaked the government formation to sabotage it because President Michel Aoun only wants the formation in the way he desires." He believes that "the new government should be a government of roles and functions, not just names." Regarding the stronger candidate between Army Chief Joseph Aoun and the head of the "Lebanese Forces" party Samir Geagea for the presidency, Hawat remarked that it is "about who protects the republic," emphasizing that "this is not a battle of names as much as it is a battle for protecting the republic and who can unify the command of the arms. Dr. Geagea has, from the very beginning, wanted to protect the republic because the state is indeed in danger."

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