
Beirut Free of Party Symbols!

Beirut Free of Party Symbols!

The Public Relations Department of the Beirut Municipality stated in a press release that "as part of its plan to make the capital Beirut free of party, political, and sectarian symbols, the Governor of Beirut, Judge Marwan Aboud, has begun coordinating with all relevant parties to proceed with the campaign set to launch next weekend. The governor has tasked the Sanitation Department of the Beirut Municipality, supported by the Beirut Fire Brigade and the Guard, to remove all slogans, photos, flags, and advertisements spread across various streets of the capital, on building walls, lighting poles, and all public areas, government buildings, fences, tree trunks, road signs, and telephone and electricity poles, especially those related to candidates in the parliamentary elections. Most of these candidates have posted advertisements, photos, and banners for their election campaigns in violation of the law, leading to significant distortion of the streets of Beirut and reflecting a negative image of the capital's urban face."

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