
Good News from Social Security: Hospital Tariffs Increased by Two and a Half Times!

Good News from Social Security: Hospital Tariffs Increased by Two and a Half Times!

The Board of Directors of the National Social Security Fund held an exceptional session both in-person and remotely at 3 PM at the council's headquarters, chaired by the acting Chairman Ghazi Yahya, with the attendance of the General Director of the Fund Dr. Mohammad Karki, acting Government Commissioner Mrs. Marlene Attallah, and the members. The Board unanimously approved a resolution related to increasing hospital tariffs for non-cut surgical medical services, which will be multiplied by two and a half according to the current rates charged by each hospital, and for cut surgical services, which will be multiplied by three based on the approved amounts for surgical procedures by the Ministry of Public Health.

The Board also issued a recommendation to conduct necessary studies for further provisions related to medication tariffs in preparation for increasing coverage for the additional costs resulting from the increase in drug prices. The Board praised the efforts of Minister of Labor Mustafa Bayram and urged him to continue advocating for the Lebanese state to pay all dues owed to the National Social Security Fund, emphasizing the need to communicate with the relevant official authorities to secure the necessary funding to cover the additional costs for the Health and Motherhood Insurance Fund.

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