
Hezbollah Loses Christian Cover

Hezbollah Loses Christian Cover

The ruling majority lost its grip on the national arena once it failed to "eliminate" the electoral entitlement through a series of desperate attempts to avoid any portrayal reflecting the decline in the popularity of the ruling parties, especially within the Christian community amid the widespread discontent with the current term and its faction. The initial results clarified the battle of "sizes," significantly diminishing the Christian cover for Hezbollah and the Axis of Resistance, as the Lebanese Forces party secured the top position in Christian representation at the expense of the Free Patriotic Movement, as confirmed by the head of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea. This was met by MP Gebran Bassil with a speech at night that resembled a "concession of defeat," accusing the Lebanese Forces of becoming "the first party thanks to electoral funding," according to "Nidaa al-Watan."

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