
France Prefers Mikati.. and Why?

France Prefers Mikati.. and Why?

The Lebanese file continues to be monitored by French President Emmanuel Macron, despite urgent issues on his agenda, the foremost being the war in Ukraine. However, sources have ruled out a visit by Macron to Beirut. In a conversation with "Al-Qabas," sources stated that no significant changes have occurred in the Lebanese scene following the parliamentary elections that would alter France's approach to the crisis. Parliamentary alliances remain unclear, although it is claimed that the majority has slipped from Hezbollah's control; it has not stabilized around any specific faction. The session for electing the President and Deputy of Parliament demonstrated that Hezbollah still holds a slight majority.

Based on this reality, the French view their dealings with the Lebanese file, specifically with Hezbollah, as pragmatic. Therefore, they emphasize dialogue with it as a key component that cannot be overlooked. Regarding circulating Lebanese discussions about a French desire to reappoint President Mikati, sources assert that their priority is forming a government as quickly as possible. The preference for Mikati stems from past cooperation experiences, as well as his success in managing the political and financial file (the parliamentary elections and the completion of the draft agreement with the IMF), not to mention the developments in the Sunni sphere following Hariri's suspension of his political work.

The sources do not hide increasing Western concern about the worsening living and social crises and their threats to food and social security. Hence, the French are keen to provide Lebanese citizens with urgent humanitarian assistance alongside supporting security institutions in full coordination and cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

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