
Jumblatt: I Will Not Dare to Propose Names for Presidential Candidates

Jumblatt: I Will Not Dare to Propose Names for Presidential Candidates

Walid Jumblatt, the head of the "Progressive Socialist Party," called for the election of a president capable of managing the crisis, emphasizing that the candidate should also have an economic and financial background. He stressed that he wants "a president with political characteristics and background, not necessarily from any party, and not a consensus president."

In an interview with the newspaper "L'Orient-Le-Jour," Jumblatt considered that the leader of the Marada Movement, Sleiman Frangieh, is not a unifying president. He noted that he would not dare to propose names for presidential candidates, as he believes he would be labeled a traitor, referring to comments made by Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea about betrayal in his press conference last Monday.

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