Arab World

To Save Lebanon: Sheikh Naeem Hasan Calls for a Comprehensive National Movement

To Save Lebanon: Sheikh Naeem Hasan Calls for a Comprehensive National Movement

Sheikh Naeem Hasan, the spiritual leader of the Druze community, emphasized that "the situation can no longer tolerate this procrastination, obstruction, and destruction in any form."

In a statement today, Hasan called for "a comprehensive national movement that transcends sects and regions, encompassing all patriotic individuals who are concerned about preventing the collapse of the state. They must take initiative within what the constitution allows and what the law guarantees, and according to their national duty, to save not only Tripoli and its people but to save all of Lebanon and all Lebanese, after the responsible officials have failed to fulfill their responsibilities."

Hasan expressed "deep sorrow for what the city of Tripoli has experienced," considering it a dangerous event occurring during a critical time in the country's history, where people's conditions and living situations have reached the worst levels of poverty and need. "This completes the baptism of misery that the Lebanese are experiencing in all areas and daily aspects of their lives, while those in power and responsibility are engulfed in a high-stakes game searching for personal gains over the ashes of the burning state."

The issue of forming the Lebanese government has seen disputes among political parties, with the latest being between President Aoun and President Hariri.

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